Kako mi je receno da ona dizna 60 nije ler-dizna nego od čoka, vidia sam da se ipak ne moze ofrlje nastelat karb pa sam malo po netu trazia upute za dellorto karb-ove, evo nasa sam neku stranicu koja opisuje do u detalj.
http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/abosco/moto/carb/dellorto/dellorto.htmlProcjenjeno je da bi s dell 19 i trokutastim usisom triba imat oko 6 ipo konja, provjerava sam i dell 19 bi po njihovu grafu bia ok, nije ni velik ni mali.

E sad kazu.
"usually in conversions an increase in the carburettor size also requires an increase in the main jet size of about 10 % for each 1 mm increase in the choke size, without changing the other setting parts"Meni je na dell 16 dizna bila 72, karb se povećava za 3 mm tj 30% to bi znacilo da sada triba bit oko 72+3*7.2 = 93, cini mi se puno.

Proba sam nabavit jednu od 90 ali nema ih sada.
E sad mi nije bas jasno ovo stelanje po jacini gasa.
Figure 2 shows the section of a venturi according to the operating periods regulated by the throttle valve opening. In every phase of operation, it is possible to vary and select the optimum setting.
In the idle stage, the idle circuit and idle adjustment is set with the mixture screw and idle-speed screw.
In the "B" progression phase, fuel mixture delivery from the idle hole is steadily replaced by mixture delivery from the progression hole, drawing emulsion mixture from the idle circuit, and in this range, choosing the correct idle jet and throttleslide cutaway is necessary. The throttle valve cutaway slightly affects the carburation up to about half throttle.
In the "C" high-speed period, mixture delivery from the idle circuit and from the progression hole is replaced by mixture from the main circuit and selection of both the atomiser and the tapered needle should then be made.
In the "D" period of full throttle and, with all the circuits of the earlier periods operating correctly, the size of the main jet is now finally selected.A (od 0 do 1/8 gasa) - u leru se stela sa vijkom smjese i ovim vijkom lera (ne znam kako ga zovete) - to kuzim
B (od 1/8 do 1/4 gasa) - ovisi o ler dizni i
throttleslide cutaway -
ovo ne kuzimC (od 1/4 do 3/4 gasa)- ovisi o položaju igle (tapered needle) i
selection of the atomiser -
ne kuzimD (od 3/4 do punog gasa)- ovisi o glavnoj dizni
Ako moze neko pomoc oko B i C.