TTS danas i nekad nije isto ulje.Po meni prerazvikano,i preskupo.Evo kaj kazu o castrol actevo kad smo se već castrola dotaknuli
Category: Motor vehicles
Product: Motorcycle lubricant and oil
Brand: Castrol
Name: Actevo, 2T
Type/number of model: Castrol 2T 1L and Castrol Actevo 2T 1L.
Batch number/Barcode: Castrol 2T 1L (EAN Code; - Affected batches: 150742; 122303; 125520; 115131.,
Castrol Actevo 2T 1L (EAN Code; - Affected batches: 126486; 112696; 135401; 119680.
OECD Portal Category: 77000000 - Automotive
Description: Motorcycle lubricant, mainly used for off-road competition motorcycles or small scooters.
Country of origin: Italy
The presence of a high level of water in the product may cause seizure of the engine.
Voluntary measures: Recall of the product from end users